Rocking at the Spinnewiel

Last night members of the Venserpolder community met up at the Spinnewiel, to hear all about parking in the neighborhood, the latest on the Milieupolitie policies, some thoughts about the neighborhood from Venserpolders very own Talita Koen, have a few drinks, and take part in a sing along.

It was an impressive turnout.

Officer Sander Blomme and Venserpolder Wijkmeester Art
While I can try to write a bit about what was said in the interviews, I won't. Partly because I forgot most of what was said, and partly because I couldn't understand all that was said. My Dutch tends to shut off when someone explains the intricacies of where your car goes when it's been towed.

Housing Corporation representatives, as well as local police were introduced.
The highlight, for me, and what looked like everyone else, was a woman who performed for the crowd (who's name I unfortunately never heard properly, so hopefully someone can leave a 'comment' and I can credit her).

The audience waits

And are rewarded for their patience
She came out in costume, with an exaggerated posterior, and chest, with a wig, and to accentuate the fact that she was integrated into Dutch culture, a pair of clogs. Then she started to work the crowd, singing songs about 'Integratie' and 'Communicatie', all very appropriate for the project.
Unfortunately I didn't get the 'Communicatie' song on video (I forgot that I had that option on my digital camera). I did manage to get this on camera, so here you go:
Once the singing was done, it was time to start serving the drinks, and getting on with the chat.

A blank page - the night must have been a success
Hi Otto,
I liked the item about number one (You know it's an idea from the architect, Carel Weeber, don't you?) and especially your last item. I've never been to such meetings, so it's very 'educational' for me to read about it. Very funny also the last photo with your comment!! Keep on writing etc., I'm looking forward to it. Bye, Niesje
Hello dear Otto,
So you had a swinging night out!
It's interesting to see though that through something as 'information about parking' (which of course is important for the residents and thus attracts) a lively community event can take place.
I bet that if they had organised a fun night for the neighbourhoud it would have attracted a much smaller crowd. It seems you need something as crucial as parking which affects all.
Thanks for the photo's and the update.
See you perhaps on the 12th? and definitly on the 15th.
Greetings, Chris
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